Guess who's coming to Arizona?
That's right, bitches. Whitney Houston (aka Whittey Hutton by those of you familiar with Hustle Man on Martin) has checked her cracked out ass into a rehab in Tucson. And to pay homage to this once shining star, I've provided a photo presentation. I call it "Crack is Cheap!"
Are you still selling crack or are you using it right now? My post on Ms. Houston was not meant to be serious commentary by any means, and perhaps, if you'd bothered to read any of my other posts (save the FOL recaps), you might've been able to tell when I'm being serious and when I'm being a smartass.
But, since you raised the issue, I must respond. Like you, I would consider myself pretty privileged. I also had both parents, one was always home, I went to good schools, I lived in a good neighborhood, and I had all the things I needed and many others that I wanted. Here's the thing. I DON'T DO CRACK! I won't even spout that garbage about that not making me better, because it does. Anyone who doesn't do crack has got at least one thing going for them that Whitney Houston does not!
Having said that, Whitney Houston is who she is and she's chosen her path. However, I DON'T KNOW WHITNEY HOUSTON FROM A HOLE IN THE WALL and I'm absolutely sure that you don't either. I don't think Whitney has any political or social relevance to anyone (except her loved ones), so it's really beyond me why you dedicated so much time to commenting.
So, being the smartass that I am, and being that you came to my blog to quasi-preach to me, I must pick apart your comment piece by piece.
Your childhood abuse is a serious topic and it takes courage to share that. However, we don't know that Whitney Houston was abused. We really don't know anything at all. So, I'm not sure how your abuse is relevant to a conversation about Whitney. Now, if you want to have a serious discussion of abuse, we can do that, and that is something that I would not joke about.
I'm very glad that God changed your life. It sounds like a hard one. But again, I'm not sure how your slingin and strippin and carousin has anything to do with my witty commentary on Whitney Houston's crack use.
I agree that Whitney will stop when she does. Here's the thing. Worrying about Whitney doesn't really consume too much of my day. In fact, it's already taken up too much of my precious time. I can say "that's real sad," and move on to the next thing. Why? Because, again, I DON'T KNOW WHITNEY FROM A CAN OF PAINT. She's not my momma. She's not my cousin. She's not my friend. My time is so precious that I can only show true worry and concern for the people that I love and make a difference in MY life. Whitney does not fall into that category for me. As for you, I'm sure there are many people you love and cherish who deserve your prayers more than Whitney. She has family and friends for that. If you are one of those people, then keep prayin. Otherwise, move on!
Additionally, I find it quite interesting that you accuse others of judging when you came to my blog, in my area of the worldwide web, to judge me for criticizing Whitney Houston. Do you see the contradiction? Practice what you preach, please.
And finally, we need to get one thing straight. USING CRACK IS NOT LIKE CHEATING, LYING, STEALING, NOT PAYING TITHES, ETC! Actually, using crack is much worse. Crack destroys your body and mind. It tears apart your family. It makes you do things like cheating, lying, and stealing. Chances are, if you're on crack, you're not doing your taxes or paying tithes.
Agreed, crack use signals deeper issues like depression and addiction. However, I think the most important crack-related issue is POVERTY, something which Whitney Houston has NEVER been familiar with.
So, stop all your weeping for Whitney and use those tears for folks caught in the cycle of poverty in inner-cities and rural areas . . . those who don't have millions to keep them on the straight and narrow . . . those who don't have families to send them to rehab . . . those who can't afford rehab.
Now, when I'm ready to engage in a real discussion on crack use, I'll let everyone know. But it certainly won't be because Whitney Houston went to rehab.
PS - I haven't posted about the Duke rape case yet (ya'll know I went to Chapel Hill) because I haven't really sorted out my thoughts. When I do, I'll post something serious because rape is no laughing matter. Whitney on crack is.
Let's see Kim. You come to my blog and tell me that I'm closed-minded, but you're unsure why I went on the defensive? I think you need to re-read your first 2 paragraphs. Saying that you pray that God opens my mind is NOT just coming to offer a different point of view. That's you being preachy. Perhaps that's just your style, but in the future, if you'd like to offer your opinion, simply say so.
You don't know anyting about me. You have no clue what I seriously think about any given subject unless I write it on this blog. And in case you hadn't noticed, I tend not to be too serious in this medium.
So, if you didn't find my slideshow funny, then that's your prerogative. You even have the freedom to comment on it because I am interested in what people are thinking. BUT, if you're going to come here, you gotta take as good as you give.
I'm glad that you work with youth. I'm glad that you use your past experience to help. I'm just not sure what that has to do with Whitney Houston or my post.
I will say that you seem more disappointed in me for joking about Whitney than you are in Whitney for smoking crack. I posit that your disappointment is misplaced. Just because you can relate doesn't mean that Whitney's behavior is right. In fact, you neglected to mention in either of your posts that smoking crack is WRONG. You talk a good game about justification and rationalization, but it seems that you're justifying Whitney's behavior, which only rationalizes the poor decisions you made earlier in your life. The line about your daughter thinking her molestation had a stronger affect on her life than your crack-smoking is evidence of that. This is wholly inappropriate, but since you put it out there, I have to say it. Her molestation could've been a symptom of your crack addiction. I've heard it time and again. "My smoking crack has nothing to do with my kids," or "My kids were taken care of." Meanwhile, the children are suffering from the loss of necessitites (like food and clothing) and positive parental influence. Only time will tell the real effect of your addiction on your children.
I stand wholeheartedly by every statement I made in my previous post. However, I will say that I don't think our opinions regarding drug abuse are that different. I also applaud you on the work you do because it is so important.
BUT (and you knew it was coming), the women you minister to need to know that they cannot blame anyone else for their choice to use drugs/alcohol. People self-medicate for any number of reasons, but in the end, we all can choose a path to follow. We can choose destructive behavior or healthy behavior. The choice may not be easy depending on environment and experience, but it's there (even for those predisposed to addiction).
This brings me back to Whitney. I guess you know some folks who know her (that was really lame, by the way), but it's my understanding that she was raised in a Christian home with 2 parents. She had opportunities that others did not have. She became famous by using her gifts. Outwardly, Whitney had everything going for her. I have no clue what was going on in the inside, but I can bet she was educated enough (through home, church, and school) to know that drugs lead to nothing but destruction. She chose the wrong path even though she had all the right information. Hopefully, she'll see that it's never too late to get back on the right path.
I like the path I've chosen (or the one chosen for me depending on what you believe) and it has given me peace and happiness. I will do what I need to do to stay on that path. I pray for you that you do the same.
In the meantime, I'll keep on making Whitney jokes because they're funny. I hope that you continue to come to my blog. Hell, I wish someone would've started a spirited debate about the social ills of Flavor of Love. Loved the show, but it was begging for serious commentary and no one bit!
Good Lord (oops, maybe I shouldn't say that to you)! If you wanna pray, pray for peace in this time of war. Pray for a cure for AIDS, which is obliterating thw world's population. Pray for something that matters. Don't waste your prayers on Whitney Houston . . . and please, don't waste your prayers, or your different point of view on me.
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