And how do you celebrate Black History Month?

I know my people. We love cornbread. We love pork (except for the folks in the Nation). We love greens. We use cocoa butter. We read Ebony. We loved Andre Braugher in The Tuskeegee Airmen. I'm not really ashamed of any of those things.
What I don't like is those things being represented as Black History. I might've almost bought the ad if, for instance, it mentioned:
- Nov. 1, 1945: The first issue of Ebony, a national black press publication, hit newstands. Founder John H. Johnson was the first black person to appear on the Forbes 400 Rich List, and had a fortune estimated at close to $600 million.
- Dec. 23, 1867: Birth of Madame C.J. Walker, inventor of black hair care products, including a crude verison of today's hair relaxer, and the first self-made black female millionaire.
or better yet . . .
- Laurence Fishburn starred in Cornbread, Earl & Me ("they shot Cornbread!!!") and the television movie about the Tuskegee Airmen. The Army Air Corps' all African American 100th Pursuit Squadron, later designated a fighter squadron, was activated at Tuskegee Institute. The squadron served honorably in England and in other regions of the European continent during World War II.
See how I skillfully combined cornbread and the Tuskegee Airmen???
Anyhoo, the ad mentioned nothing regarding black history. Instead we get a pic of a Dark & Lovely box. If anything, I think this stupid ad is a prime example of why Black History Month is still needed (I love you Morgan Freeman, but yous a dayum fool!), though it clearly needs a reworking.So, since some folks need a lesson, we'll all get a short one today.
February 10, 1964: Today is the birthday of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This is a very important moment for every American.
"After 12 days of debate and voting on 125 amendments, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by a vote of 290-130. The bill prohibited any state or local government or public facility from denying access to anyone because of race or ethnic origin. It further gave the U.S. Attorney General the power to bring school desegregation law suits. The bill allowed the federal government the power to bring school desegregation law suits and to cut off federal funds to companies or states who discriminated. It forbade labor organizations or interstate commercial companies from discriminating against workers due to race or ethnic origins. Lastly, the federal government could compile records of denial of voting rights. After passage in the House, the bill went to the Senate, which after 83 days of debate passed a similar package on June 19 by a vote of 73 to 27. President Lyndon Johnson signed the legislation on July 2. Later, future Georgia governor Lester Maddox would become the first person prosecuted under the Civil Rights Act." (
Peace, love, and thanks to Madame C.J. Walker, hair grease!
The advertising industry seems to be run by different people when compared to the rest of us. Most of us who don't have a degree in bullshit realise that when you offend someone in an ad. that person is unlikely to buy that product. It's strange that a simple peice of logic like that seems to have escaped the advertising gurus.
On an other topic, I know how you love to quote newspaper links about Australia and infer that this proves that all Australians are the same as in that story, so would you read this link
about an Australian women in Texas in a theatre and the woman in front started using her phone. The Aussy women shushed her to no avail so she tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention to ask her to lower her voice. The American woman screamed abuse, left the theatre and the Aussy woman was charged with assault for "invading her private space"
I would have really invaded her PRIVATE space and shoved her phone up her fuken arse.
My question is: Is this how ALL Americans behave and if so will you represent me when I am over there?
Texas is a little different than the rest of the country. Just ask a Texan. I know a few read my blog.
Texas sure is different.
Isn't that where the Shrub(the younger Bush) comes from?
You can't be more different than that.
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