Why My Life SUX: by Foxxxy Love
I spent a week and a half with a face so swollen that I looked like Jabba the Hut. I did, however, get skinnylicious from the forced moratorium on solid foods. So, I guess it wasn't that bad.
Sharky had a momentary lapse in judgment and thought he could actually live without me. Well, he ended crawling back defeated, trying to bask in the glow that is Foxxxy once more. So that ain't so bad either.
But here's the kicker.
My car got stolen last night while I was shakin' my slightly smaller black ass at the company Christmas party. The Grinch clearly visited a lil early this year by stealling my car before Christmas! Fucker!
I'm not dead. I'm no longer sick. I have my family and friends. I'm nice. I'm smart. I'm cute. So why has this been the shittiest 3 weeks? Can anyone tell me? Please?