For those of you who don't know, I have an
Australian fan named Rudy. Well, "fan" is a loose term, especially because Rudy has apparently neglected to actually READ anything I've ever written.
You see, Rudy is under the impression that I don't look critically in my own backyard because I had the "hide" to criticize Australia once - maybe twice.
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? All I do on this blog is look critically in my own fucking backyard. In fact, I've only dedicated at most 4 posts to pointing out the fucked-up-ness (or fucked-up-osity) of other countries like Australia and Italy, which are clearly just as, if not more fucked up than
America. Therefore, I am an equal opportunity basher.
So Rudy, have you actually bothered to read any of my posts? Or do you just have the hots for me and can't bare to stay away for more than a few hours? Apparently, Rudy got mad at one of my wonderful posts about continent of
Australia (I will never forgive them for Yahoo Serious, Crocodile Dundee star Paul Hogan, Kylie Monogue, and Nicole Kidman - peee-uuuu). Apparently, there was some race-based intimidation and generally mobbery taking place to defend precious white womanhood.
Here's a snippet of what the news reported?
About 5,000 white men, many of them drunk, targeted people believed to be of Arab or Middle Eastern descent on Cronulla Beach on Sunday after rumors spread that Lebanese youths assaulted two lifeguards earlier this month.Police, who had stepped up patrols on the beach after learning of cell phone text messages urging people to retaliate for the attack on the lifeguards, fought back with batons and pepper spray.Young men of Arab descent struck back in several Sydney suburbs Sunday, fighting with police for hours and smashing dozens of cars with sticks and bats, police said. They said 31 people were injured, including a white man who was allegedly stabbed in the back, and 16 arrested.Now back to Rudy . . .
Never one to start a flame war, good ol' Rude posted a comment which began, "What an amazingly insular and narrow minded country you live in."
WELL DUH!! But he lost me with after the first line.
Apparently, Rudy thinks that it the beach incident was a lil' innocent, non-racist fun. What's hilarious about Rudy's argument is that it's a prime example of just how racist he is. He says "a group of surfers were pissed off enough to text each other to "protect" their beach from young Muslim men who were telling the surfers girlfriends that because they wore bikinis they were asking to be gang raped and the young Muslim youths were going to gang rape them."
Protect their beaches?
Protect their women? From what? From whom? From words? Did anyone do any rapin'? Was there any substantiation? Why a mob of 5000 white guys? Did they harass the acutal harassers, or were they doin a lil racial profiling?
Since I'm being accused of not looking in my own backyard, let's do a little lookin, shall we? In
America, there's this group called the KKK. They were all about protectin' their womenz from those savage Negroes. In fact, they used to go around in drunken mobs and intimidate people all the time.
And there once was this teenager named Emmit Till. He was falsely accused of whistling at a white woman and then ended up being murdered by a group of white men who were
protecting their women!
See any parallels there, Rude?
Now, I'm not sayin that the Muslim's should've retaliated in the manner they chose. However, I can understand. No one was killed, but that was nothing short of a miracle. Race relations in
Australia have worsened (and you guys had such a stellar record until now, HA).
So Rudy, I calls 'em like I sees 'em. I started this blog because I wanted to comment about things going on in my backyard. I've been very honest - a bit too honest at times - about my feelings. I've been reasoned in my criticisms. Don't get mad at me because you lack the ability to do the same. If anyone needs to do a little backyard excavation (and not in the good way), it's you my dear Aussie friend.
. . . and just when I started to like you . . .