And in breaking news . . .
College dorms home to bigger beds . . . and thank goodness. It was way too hard to bang on the skinny ones. Don't act like you don't remember!
College dorms home to bigger beds . . . and thank goodness. It was way too hard to bang on the skinny ones. Don't act like you don't remember!
So, some Australian loser named Rudy decided to call Molly a racist because she wrote about me and called me a “Black lawyer” and referred to herself as a “Jewish Girl.” In fact, now he’s not even sure he wants to come to the good old U S of A because we’re sooooooooo racists.
Thursday marks a day that will live in television infamy. . . A day like no other for our generation . . A day where for 1 hour, the entire nation will hold it's collective breath.
In the competition to be my best white friend, Molly just went back to #1. Check out her wonderful post about ME (and there's some other stuff in there too) - Ode to Politicos (of which I'm not). Can you believe that a commentor had the nerve to call me "a mouth black chick?" He or she clearly does not know me. I am "THE mouthy black chick" and don't you forget it, ass-wad.
I watched bits and pieces of Tommy Lee Goes to College last night. Here's what I learned:
I'm glad that I still learn from watching tv! But now I must digress. I have about $50,000 in loans for Law School. Why come Tommy get's to go to school for free? I mean, they coulda strapped a camera on my head for a tuition waiver!! Oh well, I guess I'll continue to watch Tuesdays on NBC to see if Tommy's college experience is any more interesting than mine.
Before I post the brilliant piece that Jezebel wrote, I'll explain the "short" comment. Picture it. Phoenix, 2005. I'm sitting at a dinner table with 4 Indians (feather, not dot) and a whole bunch of white folks. I'd had 2 glasses of wine and was feelin fine.
Go, go Power Rangers!
So, Gracey has a crush on me and I can't say I blame her. Kewl strangers who write nice stuff about me totally get a link! Check out Peace, Love & Other Stuff.
Foxxxy: I'm goin to see Boyz II Men this weekend!!!
Clearly, this is enough evidence to convict anyone in Judge Mathis' court room. This, however, is the real criminal justice system and my strong evidence, which I might add is 10 times better than the shit the Prosecution put together, just doesn't fly, especially not in the judicious state of California (that's pronounced Caw-lee-4-nee-uh if you speak Arnold).
So, based on the shitty case, the jury acquitted, and now THEY feel guilty and angry? Well, I have a few words for these suckers. IT'S TOO LATE, BITCHES!!! If you wanna be mad about something, be mad that Tom Sneddon spent millions and million of your tax dollars putting together a case as thin as Lindsay Lohan after a stay in the hospital. Be incenced by the fact that you actually only got paid $12 a day to sit through weeks and weeks of boring bullshit. Be enraged because you all got upstaged by that grandma who's 15 minutes were up about 16 minutes ago. Then SHUT THE FUCK UP! Everyone on the planet is gonna read you crappy tell-all written by some 3rd rate hack and you're gonna be RICH BITCH while my witty black ass is gonna be sittin right here in Phoenix where the heat is sucking me dry and the monsoons are making me wet and NOT in the good way (I'm not bitter though). To assuage your guilt, buy that fucked up kid a new family and a pony, and leave Michael alone to create more crappy songs like "Stranger in Moscow" and "You Rock My World."
I could go on and on, but unfortunately, my heart now hurts from having spent a whole 15 minutes writing about the twit. I could've been writing about Peter Jennings or John Johnson, but instead, because her stupid video is on the MTV loop (wtf is Willy Nelson thinking?), I got distracted.
Which brings me back to monkeys. They're cute. They're silly. They sing. They walk around naked. They even fuck their relatives. But even monkeys are smarter than Jessica Simpson. Hmmm, maybe I don't like monkeys so much anymore.
One of my favorite NDNs, Rants with a Fist, has started bloggin. Check her out at The Natives Are Restless, but do so at your own risk. She has little tolerance for the white man.
. . . and my new favorite is Jezebel's Riot. Check out her name-appropriate blog - Jezebel's Riot.
. . . and my favorite is Romiustexis. Check out all 3 of his BRILLIANT (that's pronounced "bree-ont" in French) blogs.
Only white people . . . Teacher Reprimanded for Licking Wounds
All of a sudden I have some free time on my hands, so I figure I should start a Blog. Everyone else on the planet has one and I'm certainly not one to be outdone. I can write and in real life I'm frightfully witty. Blogging should be easy, right?